Friday, September 4, 2009

Married Life

So I lived single for a lot longer than I should have. I say this because of an experience I had recently. And since you have nothing else to do besides read this blog (and I have nothing else to do but write it) it will be told shortly.

Before getting married my opinion on shaving cream and aftershave was pretty simple: unneccessary. I use a razor and would lather up with my shaving cream,bar soap, and after shaving I give a spritz of my aftershave, cold water (and toilet paper as needed).

Well, Just before getting married I had purchased a bag of razors... the kind you get at the dollar store 50 razors for 99cents, you know the kind, they have the yellow handle and single blade. As far as I knew it performed its function. The soap lathered, the razor cut hair, the cold water calmed my aching skin. Life was great.

When that bag of razors ran out, Bridget bought me a Gillet Mach 3 with vibrating head and shaving cream. HOLY COW that was a nice razor (my shaving costs now went up SUBSTANTIALLY but the toilet paper dabbing costs went down so it might be a wash). My face never felt better, or smoother.

I had been using crap razors for 8 years! It felt like shaving with a cheese grator! IN one day my face no longer hurt.

Now when the razor gets dull, like today. Bridget is right there to make me change it.

Clearly the superior gender.