Friday, January 29, 2010

Toilet training

Do not read this.

Eli asked to use the potty. As I was cleaning up his little toilet and all the rest of the Urine on the floor, I had this thought: Why do I care if he is toilet trained?

I mean, it is easier to change a diaper, than to wait for 10 minutes in the bathroom. The clean up is less (the mess is contained, as opposed to being on the floor, walls, door, toilet, etc.). You don't have to worry about wetting the bed. Also consider that Diapers are more portable than toilets (Tell me you didn't have that thought the last time you were traveling where there were no "facilities").

And, eventually he will go back into diapers when he gets much much older.

Monday, January 25, 2010


I have been watching ELI and Dora for 3 days alone. I have only had one fight!

Eli kept saying "Eli Nice." I even caught him kissing the baby unprompted!

I think I am starting to get the hang of this. (Incidentally, my Excedrin consumption is much less this week!)

Missing Bridget

So, Bridget is Out of town. I get to take care of the kiddos while she is gone. Last night I learned a valuable lesson.

Since Bridget was not there, I asked ELI if he wanted to sleep in Dada's bed. Not only did he want to sleep there, he wanted to sleep on my side. I let him.

He is Truly MY SON: he thrashes and tosses and turns. He also sleeps on his side and stomach.
Here is the time line of last night:
7:30 Eli goes to bed
10:30 I go bed
12:20 Eli hits my nose
1:20 He kicks me in the chest
2:00 I go to the bathroom
2:30 Eli inadvertently kicks me in the groin with the force of a soccer player
3:00 The pain subsides
4:00 Eli says "dada, wake up." I said, "Eli go back to sleep it is still dark outside"
Eli continues to toss and turn until 4:30
4:30 "dada wake up, no more dark outside."
"Eli, Please go back to sleep I am tired"
Eli tosses and turns
4:45 he holds my hand and falls asleep
5:30 He kicks me in the head.
6:15 Dora wakes up.

Needless to say, he will not be sleeping with me tonight. But it was pretty cute at 7 when he got up, "Dada! Me Wake UP!"

Sunday, January 10, 2010

apples and bananas

I was telling Eli a bedtime story.
"What do you want to hear about?" I asked.
"What do Monkeys eat, Eli?"
"Nanas" (bananas)
"And where do Bananas come from?"
Eli answers knowingly, "table"
Last night he wanted a story about apples.
"Where do apples come from?" I asked.
"PIE" he shouted.

One observant kid.
As a farmer, I am kind of embarrassed.

Saturday, January 9, 2010


Here are the reasons I like Excedrin: I have kids. I have daily headaches, sleep deprivation, and my toes and shins are abused by the toys that hit them throughout the day.

Excedrin is great because:

It has Tylenol which helps with pain in the brain.
It has aspirin which helps with brain pain and body aches.
It has Caffeine which helps with brain pain, sleep deprivation, and gives you the energy for accruing more body aches

Every Eli should come with a bottle of Excedrin. It helps you take a bruising and keep on cruising...

Monday, January 4, 2010

Swearing at Children

I have never been someone who swears. I have used heck, darn, shoot, freakin, flippin, etc. Which has made me sound slow in the head to some of those around me, and I am fine with that. Being Eli's dad has sure made it hard.

Yesterday was a TOUGH day. Sunday's always are with afternoon church and no naps. It takes a while to unwind after getting screamed at and cleaning up milk, syrup, crackers and whatever else he was trying to plant in our carpet.

Today, I built a really cool train track at his request. Then he had a melt down. The next think I know he hit his sister on the head with a piece of the train track, while he was in time out he scratched my eyes and hit me in the face. I then proceeded to dress him. He was NOT happy, screaming, scratching and hitting ensued.

I know of lots of four letter words I wanted to use, and I am afraid they will slip out.