Saturday, July 23, 2011

Whitney's blunder

Few things can cause panic like a broken water line.

In our new house the fridge and water line were the wrong size. There was a cap on the valve and that should have been a BIG red flag.

But I am smart. Or so I thought.
I shut the valve off, and started to remove the cap. I noted the isolated drop of water. Soon only Victoria Falls can compare to the shear volume and pressure hitting me in the face, chest, and soaking the house.

The horror, the horror!
Water shooting across the room covering our still full cardboard moving boxes.

I ran out to the water intake valve and tried to shut it off. Either by sheer strength, adrenaline, or rust, I broke the valve at about 90% closed. This turned Victoria into Niagra.

Panic is not a strong enough word for what I felt as I watched all of my wife's possessions slowly sink into Lake Baker.

I mustered up, I somehow managed put the cap back on.

Well, plumbers charge more than doctors. But it is all now fixed. Everything is fine.

Course, I should have asked, maybe Bridget wanted an indoor pool.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. The horror! The horror!

    Lake Baker!

    Indoor pool!

    I love this story. Why did you not mention this?

    Glad it worked out!

  2. Yikes! between yours and cassidy's blogs it sounds like someone wants an indoor pool for all of the baker's!!!! The rest of the family should be VERY CAREFUL!

  3. Whit you have a gift for telling a story - sorry this happened to you, but it enlivened my afternoon reading your account of the incident!
