Sunday, June 8, 2014

Emmy's Birthday

Emmy wanted a Halloween birthday costume party. She turned 3.  Cute little bug. You've never seen a happier girl. 
Here is the Emerald Fairy. 
Tessa got scared if me. I was Bain. She was Batman. I understand why she was scared. So I had to change. 
Bath time fun. It quickly turns into bath time screaming happy time. Then just bath time screaming time. Then just screaming time. Then "daddy wonders what he was thinking time". Followed lastly by excedrin migraine time. 
After dropping Eli off at school and Dora at preschool, I found a turtle on the road. I was gonna show it to Dora. But it ran away. Here is Emmy loving the new turtle friend. 
We celebrated the last day of school by a  family Tucanos trip. 
We went to Luke's wedding (Bridget's first cousin Luke) it was at a Catholic Church near Minute Maid Park. 
Two pretties!
I've been working out for 5-6 months with Bridget. We've been doing Body Pump, Body Combat, and Core Crushing. All of these are Les Mills products. I've also tried dieting a bit. This is the best I have ever looked. My goal is to bulk up a bit. Gain 10 lb muscle. Since this is my journal, I'm posting a pic of me at 36 years old. 

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