Friday, April 22, 2011

Obesity in the Baker house

There is an Epidemic in the Baker house: Obesity. Half of the household adults are overweight.

I now weigh 199 lbs, more than I have ever weighed.

Need to start training again.


  1. I would like to note for the record that we are both obese--I am topping 175--nearing 180. I guess that means 100% of the adults in the Baker house are obsese. Ha. I told Whit I am HAPPY he's gained 10 pounds. Now we can diet together in a month after the baby!! WOOHOO! Now THAT'S a good husband! Sympathetic weight gain.

  2. I'll train with you. I still have some pounds that need to be shed.
    Sympathetic weight gain. haha. I like it!

  3. Tell Cassidy to shut up. She has three lbs of baby weight to lose. Since her baby was three weeks old. THREE!!

    Whit. Don't feel bad. Or you Bridget. Because at my last appointment...I weighed 199 too!!! Welcome to my heaviest weight ever. Sick.

  4. Ty put on the sympathetic weight gain to. It happens to the best men while they are dealing with pregnancy. We are definitely working on shedding a few pounds here.

  5. Neither of you are starving - that's a good thing!
