Friday, December 31, 2010

Recent Discoveries

Over the holidays I noticed a few things.

1. Truffle boxes are a combination of delicious chocolates and chocolate covered poisons. I think they throw the coffee ones in there to make the rest taste better by comparison.

2. When golfing, the laws of physics don't apply. I don't know how I can hit a ball only to see it go 90 degrees perpendicular to where I want.

3. Also when golfing, how can the T travel further than the ball?
3.5 How can grass travel further than the ball?
3.5b How can the ball go backwards when golfing?

4. Bubblewrap is often more fun than the present (or Mug) it is protecting.

5. Finlandia makes naturally lactose free cheese!

6. Old people at our gym hate kids.

7. If Eli and Dora Don't get naps, they are grumpy. If they sleep too long they are grumpy. If they sleep just the right amount they are grumpy. BUT if they sleep REALLY long, I am not grumpy.

8. If holding a kid with a dry diaper on your lap, and they pee in the diaper, even though you are not wet, it still feels gross.

9. You can golf in Oregon in the winter, but the course will be covered in half frozen deer poop.


  1. 3 and it's appendages are very funny. Especially because I've never golfed.

    I agree. That sensation, even if it isn't wet, has all sorts of mental things attached to it.

    Here's to '11.

  2. Whitney, you are hilarious! I'm cracking up right now! I really need to comment more on your blog posts because they are always very clever and very funny.
