Sunday, August 12, 2012

Washington Trip day 1

Traveling. What this picture fails to capture is the volume of crumbs spread. Delta may not let us back on. Hostess donuts hit the spot! And the seat, carpet, window, and walls.

Dora was so excited to go see the goats and chickens that she put on my shoes to go exploring!

Forgive the pajamas! It was 6am and we didn't want to wake mom up!

Dora in the garden with her shoes!

Feeding the chickens zucchini!

Feeding the goats!

My dad is renting out to sunflower farmers!


Eli's hand.

Dora found an egg in the chicken coop!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. I feel kinda shafted. The yard didn't look that nice when we were there!! ( Don't tell Dad!) I know who the favorite kids are.

  2. What a great experience for the kids. They won't want to come home. So much fun. And what a garden! Tell your mom and dad I said, "Great job!" Love their farm. The sunflowers are really cool too!
