Lesson 1: $178
We got back from vacation. I ran a load of laundry. To my knowledge, neither Bridget nor I had used the toilet. When I went back to put washer clothes in the dryer, I noted our floor filled with water, washer was sitting in water. The toilet was full but not overflowing. I inspected the washer and hookups and it was fine.
I plunged the toilet harder than I ever had before. No movement.
I noted water on floor and underneath washer.
My rational/assumptions/logic:
1: the toilet is plugged
2: there is water under washer therefore its drainage must be overflowing as well.
3: I didn't "deposit" enough to plug the sewer line.
4: Bridget didn't "deposit" enough either.
5: my kids have not ever made enough to "deposit" and cause back up.
6. The other toilets and sinks are draining.
At this point my working thought was that we had a blockage in the line backing up the toilet and the washer. I forgot Occam's razor.
I called the plumber. He came through and heard my observations and quoted me two prices. It would cost $178 for him to find the problem if it is in the first 3 feet of the toilet. It would cost $650-1000 if the problem is further down the line.
Occam's Razor
It is essentially that all thing being equal, common things are most likely the cause.
The plumber took his auger and went to town. He was stuck. His auger wouldn't go forward. And he couldn't get it out either.
5 minutes of pulling and we solved the mystery.
Back story: on the way home from the airport, Dora said she had to pee. We had no place to pull over, so I put her in one of Emmy's diapers. When we got home she took it off cause it had "pee pee" in it. Guess where she put it.
Occam's razor: if you have a three year old, she will lie to you about flushing a diaper down the toilet, then run and hide when the water starts to overflow.
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