Thursday, September 17, 2015

Kauai and 9 years

Carla watched the kids so we could go to Hawaii for our 9 anniversary.  We arrived to the hotel and it felt like 139 am. But it was 839. We looked at the coy pond and went to bed. 
The next morning we woke to watch the sunrise over the bay. 

We ate breakfast at the Bamboo grill. We learned that chickens run all over the island. This one walked into the restaraunt we were eating in. 

We read and relaxed and drank piña coladas while listening to the waves crash. 

Notice our little buddy. 

We went to a Luau for dinner. It was pretty fun. But Poi tastes like chalk. 
Look at these weird goats. 
Birds are so used to being fed at the luau that they perched on my hand. 
This is the Kalua Pork. Mmm cooked with hot rocks for 9 hours underground. The only seasoning was salt. Pigs are magical wonderfully delicious creatures. They taste so good that poi is edible. Here is the dirt covered pit. 
They remove the dirt. 
Then the tarp and banana leaves. 
Then they uncover the pig. 
And pull it out. 
Here we are at the dinner table. 
Hula dancers. 
This is a Philippine dance. 
For her anniversary present. Bridget got a ring. 

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