Saturday, September 15, 2012

Saturday fun

Conversation out here:
Eli: I am in kindergarten
Dora: I am in priesthood
Eli: Dad look at how loose my tooth is (at 7am). I guess I can only drink milkshakes
Me: you can't have milkshakes for breakfast.
(Later on)
Eli:(crying) I can't find my tooth! It's gone and now the tooth fairy won't give me money! Can you help me look for it??
Me: Well, you probably ate it so I don't really want to look for it. Let's just write the tooth fairy a note to say what happened.
Eli: Do I still get money?

The tooth next to the hole is the one he hit on jungle gym and is dead.

We took Emmy to Don and Carla's. Kanga is super fast!!!

YouTube Video

Inside Brian's car is this latch.
Eli asked, "does that mean you can run out of the trunk real fast?"
Funny kid

Dora at Bass Pro Shop

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. Kanga certainly did the wallaby 500 in our back yard! Love Dora's comeback to Eli - the girl knows how to play a trump card (even if it isn't hers!!)
