Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Bad parenting on Wednesday
Eli: Dad, when is mom getting back with dinner?
Me: I don't know Eli but I am sure crying is going to speed her up.
Eli: Dad you always say that, and it never works!
Me: Then why do you do it do much?
Eli: hey dad did you know you can eat or drink toothpaste?
Me: Huh?
Eli: Yeah, you can eat it or mix it in a cup with water, then it is like juice. And you have different flavors, like mint!
Dora: Dad, my new crocs smell like Gymboree!
We did build a boat together. He even blew it across the table.

The kids also helped me build a fence on Saturday!

Brian Moss and I went shooting today. We suck. But it was tons of fun!!

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