Thursday, June 16, 2011

Girl Names

For whatever reason people have been giving us Flack for naming our daughter Emerald. Some people think it is a boy name like Herald. First of all, Emerald is a gem. All gems are girls. Stones on the other hand could be boy names... Granite, river, igneous, basalt... never mind boys should not be named after rocks at all, or stones, or gems.

I have always gotten a lot of flack for my name. True, you meet more women than men with my name. In fact, I have never met someone of the same gender with my name, and yet so so so very many girls in college were named Whitney. I met a man named Allison at the gym. It reminded me of a Johnny Cash song "a boy named Sue"
Allison should be a boys name... Son of Alli!

Here are a list of man names women have taken:
Julian (Jules Verne was a man)
Madison (son of Madi)
Sheri (sheridan)

There are a few things about this that Irk Me:

First of all, If you have a name like Allison, Leslie, or Whitney, and you are a dude, you have to own it, No nick names, no second names. Own it like that Julian I met, He was one tough Dude! No question about it.

Secondly, (and this is the big one) They now call a lot of these names "Unisex." What that junk does that mean? Your parents couldn't decide if you would be a boy or girl or they could only find one neutral name? It isn't like a baby gift where a green blanket covers both genders. No name should ever be Unisex. Declare dang it! I would rather have a girls name and be tough than a Uni name and, well, be Uni.

Thirdly, My name was a Man's name in the last century and a Girls name in this one, I am not sure what happened, I blame the democrats. All of my childhood grief could have been avoided if born 15 years earlier. Parents should plan ahead, unless you are naming your son "SUE" for a reason, try to make his childhood easier.


  1. I want to make a comment, but have no comment to make. I'll just say you've made some convincing points here, especially boys are rocks and girls are gems. I'd never thought of it, but I do believe you're right.
