Monday, January 31, 2011

Sympathy for Fat People

I went to the gym today and Ran close to 7 miles.
Yes I am bragging.
But, I wore the wrong shorts and my inner thighs rubbed together so much that I have two really sore areas that hurt REAL BAD. Now that I am a Fat person, I have sympathy and can understand why we stay fat!
If someone took a cheese grater and peeled off a layer of your thigh skin, you would not exercise either. Every move you make is just further punishment for hating your body.
They say to really know some one, walk a mile in their shoes.... Well I am here to say keep it to just one mile.


  1. How's your training coming, other than grated thighs?

    I like the idea of one mile. Just enough for empathy.

  2. But that's what the anti-chaff stuff is for...
