Monday, September 20, 2010

million dollar idea

Pop-tarts are a pastry that can keep in your bag and get popped in a toaster for a tasty high calorie snack. When toasted, they are even better.

So why not make a sandwich with the same properties. Never spoiling, but popped in a toaster it is tasty. They make handi snacks with cheese and crackers so I know keeping cheese and bread is possible. Spam, summer sausage and pepperoni are all meats that can be stored at room temperature.

Why not a cheese salami pastry sandwich?


  1. You are definitely a thinker to come up with that idea! Now the trick is to help us think spam tastes good.

  2. Whit - you first on eating your creation! I think I'll go more mainstream in the culinary department. You do however make the most incredible grilled pizza ever!
