Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Virginia Yorktown

We got up and went to Yorktown. They have really made a neat display here. 
They had a very interactive display. Clothes for the kids to get dressed in. 
These are actual rifles from the war. 
This lady was cooking and preparing food the old way. The meat was stored on salt. They then soaked it for a few days. All the pumpkin squash apples were dried. They would soak to rehydrate and then cook or bake. It was really neat. 
Holding up salted pork. 
See the military camp in back?
Muzzle loading demonstration. 
They let us hold the rifle. 
Medical tent. 
Finding eggs. 
Medical school. 
Actual swords. 
Dora was a French soldier
Emmy was a Continental
Eli was a Hessian. 
We went back to the beach afterwards. Again. 
Look at the unicorn sand castle. 

Monday, March 14, 2016

Virginia three

Jamestown. This is one of the neatest interactive museums we've been to. They had so many neat displays and hands on exhibits. Some artifacts date back to late 1500s. Most were replicas. Still neat to see how they lived. 
This was the Powhatan village recreated. 
Grinding corn into flour. 
Learning how to make leather clothes. 
You would use an oyster to scrape off the hair, then soak it in deer brain to make it soft, then smoke it to tan and color it. 
The kids were shocked to find out that kids were naked until age 11. But even then they only wore loin cloth aprons that showed their bums. 
Inside a house. 
This lady taught us how to make tools and jewelry. 
Making a canoe. 
Snack break. 
They have three boat recreations. One was out at sail. We hiked all over the ship. 
The bunks. 
I asked her to steer the boat. Not sure she understood. 
Captain Dora. 
Captain Eli. 
Break time!
My little explorers. 
Bunny is safely inside the armor. 
Look at the flowers. 
Dora said she was the king. All the others wanted to be princesses. Then someone realized the queen spot to be open, the conversation then got very weird. No one asked why the rug was on the table. 
Check out the carvings on that bed. 
There was a guy walking aroun in old timey clothing instructing on how to fire the cannon. They also had muskets and live demonstration shooting wet paper. That's right a gun powder spit wad shooter. 
Nap time. 
Lunch time in the cafeteria. Dora was telling Emmy all about school.