Thursday, September 22, 2011

Camping in the house

I used to love camping, but haven't done it in years. Last night Eli and Dora and I all set up my tent inside as a trial run to see if we were ready for the great outdoors.
Here is what happened.
Eli and Dora fought over pillows.
Dora won.
All stuffed animals had to join us.
Dora had to go potty 6 times, she was just excited to sit on the toilet.
Dora got bored and wanted stories.
We told stories for 20 minutes.
Dora wanted mom.
Dora wanted to sleep in her own bed and went upstairs.
Eli fell asleep.
Eli stole my pillow.
Eli tossed and turned kicking me in the head.
He stole my other pillow.
He woke me up for water.
He kicked me in the ribs.
He stole my pillow again.
He woke me up asking for ghost stories at 4 am.
He put his arm on my shoulder and went to sleep.
He stole my pillow.
He wanted more water.
He told a funny story.
He slept till 7. Then asked if he could tell me a story.
He is now awake and chipper.
He passed the test!

Anybody wanna go beach camping?
Bring an extra pillow.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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