Sunday, November 27, 2016

Birthdays and Holidays

My Tessie T nut is growing up. She turned 4 this week. It seems like 4 years ago that we were taking her home from the hospital. She is such a funny kid. So cute. 
We had a Pokémon themed party at our house. All to celebrate Tessa. 

Here is a cake. Looks like Ash and Pikachu stepped in a giant pile of ......  and those are blue berries, not rabbit pellets. 
We had the ballon lady come and donface painting and balloon tying. We also had pin the tail on picachu   
Also a find the Pokémon  poke balls.   
She is so cute. 

Birthdays and Holidays


Saturday, November 26, 2016

Letters to kids.

I'm gonna try something new.

Dear Eli 

Man you are a funny kid. Today while putting up the Christmas tree you found your yodeling pickle ornament. You entered that in the ugly ornament contest. Today you said. "Dad, knock knock"
Me, "Who's there?"
You, "yodel a he"
Me, "eli. I'm not gonna say it"

I'm proud of how smart you are. Im also proud at how you want to succeed at everything you do, tonight, after watching some "dude perfect" videos you wanted to do trick shots, you have now perfected the over the backboard from behind the basket shot. I don't think I tell you enough but it makes me happy to see what a smart and funny kid you are.

If you can only be kinder and more patient with your sisters, I will be happy for ever.

Dear Dora,

You have an infectious attitude, when you are happy all around you are happy too, you brighten the world for all around, you are kind to others. but with your infectious personality, when you are a stinker all others become stinkers too. I jokingly refer to you as "the godfather" of the kids. You send Tessa to do your bidding when you think we are susceptible to giving treats.

I am so proud of how kind you are to others, I am also proud of how smart you are, you are so naturally talented at everything. I wish I had your knack for just picking things up and being good at them. This week I am amazed at your art, you drew a wood sprite, a forest pixy, a river otter, a red fox, all in their natural environment. I hope I can foster your creativity, or at least not stifle it.

Dear Emmy,

Oh Emmy, you are an absolute delight, if anyone in the history of existence can be used as an example of reincarnation, it would be you. You were a princess in a former life. No one loves dress up as much as you, no one can pull off royalty like you can. You are so fun to be around, you are happy most of the time. I hope you can always find and stay in your happy place and that someone treats you like the royalty you are.

But, you also are very particular and prone to emotional bursts of sadness. When you were younger you used to watch the movie "lassie" and you would cry and cry when lassie "dies" then be so happy when Lassie would be ok. I asked why you would watch a show that makes you sad, and you would say because it makes you so happy after.

Tonight your mom was singing "Away in a Manger" and you started to cry, you said, "it makes me so sad that Jesus didn't even have a bed, he had to sleep in a BARN." I hope you always have that compassion.
Dear Tessa,

I love love my Tessy T
she is so sweet
so sweet to ME.

By the time  you learn to read, you will probably forget this song. You were such a happy baby, you couldn't even talk but you would laugh and play for everyone, you were so happy. Emmy was going through a hard spot and was kind of mean to you, as a result you two fight a LOT now. I think it was the terrible twos on her end, then as she grew out of being mean, you grew into it...

but before all that, before you could talk, you were my Tessy T nut. One day, as you were learning to talk, I sang, I love love my Tessy T, and you then sang "she is so sweet to ME" I don't think my heart ever had so much happiness. I hope you will always be my T Nut.
Dear Sammy P

you are 6 months old and cant talk. you are by far the best baby, you never cry unless you are tired. you are so happy just to be held, your smile brightens my heart, what a cute little guy. You rolled over on your tummy then back to your back, just to grab a toy and looked like you had climbed Everest and back and could not have been happier.

Please don't change

Sunday, November 13, 2016

My kids are so funny

This is a true princess. Have you ever seen anyone born to wear a crown. 
Sammy is rolling over. What a cute little guy.   
Everyone loves Sammy. Everyone wants to hang around this cute smiley guy. 
What a cute princess.   

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Eli's Artwork

I'm pretty proud of Eli's artwork. This is pretty good. Look at the colors. Look at the fruit. Real cool. 

Tuesday, November 1, 2016


Halloween this year was really fun. I had it off and we planned a big family costume. We all went as clash of clans. I was a giant. Bridget a witch. Eli was a wizard. Dora was the archer queen. Emmy was a healer. Tessa was an archer. Carla showed up as the Valkyrie 
Yes. That was a real beard. I grew it out just for the costume. Arguably my costume took the longest. I was working on it for 2 months. 
Trick or treating was fun
He next day the trading began. 
It was really funny to watch. Tessa even had a say in what she wanted. Funny thing was that they would take candy breaks while trading. 
I shaved my beard after. 
Happy Halloween