Friday, October 30, 2015

Girl Daysand drawing lessons

Fun days with the girls. Some days we are happy. Some days we are miserable. 

We went to Bass Pro Shop. 
We fed Ducks by the house
At night Eli and Dora and I have been having drawing lessons. I've been trying to show the kids the lines to draw then they mimic. Their only problem is they are following my lead. We've been working on shadows as well. 

Eli drew this. It's St Peters In Rome

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Exciting Times

Carla took the two littles off our hands for a few days. Dora and Eli got off school early and I had the day off so we send out for ice team. Bridget stayed at home with nausea. 
Afterwards, we went down to UTMB for an ultrasound on Bridget. Things look ok. We are expecting nausea for the next 10 weeks. 

After the ultrasound we went to the beach and enjoyed some sand time before dusk. 
Hopefully Bridget does ok. 

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Octoberfest! Er... October

We took the kids out to dinner at Salt Grass when the Mosses got back from Hawaii. Look at how pensive they are. Dora contemplating life. 
Eli wanting a roller coaster. 
We went to Keaton's birthday party. Look at how cute it is!
Here's my buddy. 

Sad day though. I sold the mustang.
But look at those friends. 
This is what I'd like to replace the mustang with. 

Monday, October 5, 2015

Galveston for dinner

Carla had the baby girls spend the night so Bridget, Eli, Dora, and I went out to dinner at the Salt Grass. It was really kind of fun. 
Afterwards we went down to the beach and watched the translucent ghost crabs run around. They look like very fast super big white spiders. 
See it?

Friday, October 2, 2015

Family pictures

These are some of my favorite pictures. Look at this little girl
We had some family pictures taken. Here are the behind the scenes pictures.